Thursday, July 26, 2007

World Anorexia Championship Belt. Jess Hammond 2006

Leather, brass, resin, diamante, gold chain, gold paint.
Jess was looking at anorexia nervosa as a way of representing self-image. Her research led her to chat rooms where she found sufferers to be competitive about how much weight they had lost. This evoked feelings of competition and the conclusion that at the end of competitions you win something. In this case, rather like boxers or wrestlers, the prize is a champion's belt. The ‘Anorexia Nervosa Featherweight World Championship’ belt combines humour, irony and making skills. Jess is an example of how someone can bring skills from their previous existence (Her mother was a leather craft worker who taught her how to make belts and wristbands as a child) and combine these with newly acquired critical thinking skills to produce work that would have been unthinkable before joining the course.

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